Friday, October 24, 2008

likes and dislikes

I like blogging because it lets us speak our mind about our books.
I dislike it because you have to fill out papers for it.


In my book, New Moon by Stephanie Meyer, the important characters in my book are Bella and Jacob. Bella is a very lonely, stick to herself kind of person. She is red headed and she is a very descriptive person.
Jacob is a very trustworthy person to Bella. He is a very handy person. He likes hanging out with Bella.
The setting is a small town. The town is very crowded. Also it is a very boring place and its very seasonal and deserted in some areas.
My book is about a girl named Bella that is in love with a vampire named Edward. Well, he left her and now she is getting to know and spending time with Jacob to get over Edward.

I would recommend this book because this book helps you learn lessons about situations you could be in that relate to situations they have in the book. I would also recommend this book because it really does change you for the better, as a person inside. It connects to you in such a way you want to make yourself better.

Friday, October 17, 2008

quotes for my book

In my book, New Moon, there were alot of wonderful quotes that i found very interesting while reading. On page 137, Bella had said," His smile was very impish. I felt almost threatened so i smiled back and he winked at me." She was making that comment about a guy named Qual that she had met at her friend Jacob's house. I thought it was very impressive how she always describes peoples faces and tells her feelings that go with it.

Another qoute I read was said by Bella too. She said," Jacob's skill with his hands was fascinating. They looked too big for the delicate tasks they performed with ease and precision. While he worked he seemed almost graceful." I found this absolutely beautiful how she described the characteristics of this boy.

The third quote i found that was also said by Bella was, " I remember how desperately I'd wished that I could turn gray, fade into the wet concrete of the sidewalk like an oversized chameleon." i thougth she is very depressed and is so lost now that Edward left her. This quote hit me really hard because i could actually picture in my mind what she was wishing for and I can relate to it. There has been many times when I have wished for the same thing, so this quote really got to me and really had me thinking.

Friday, October 10, 2008

What I Would Chanqe!!!

Somethinq I Would Chanqe In My Book Is The Part Where Edward Left Bella. I Would Chanqe That Because Now The Whole Book Revolves All Around Bella and Knowone Else. Also, Because It's Been 5 Months And She Has Not Gotten Over Her Broken Heart. He Told Her Before He Left That It Would Be As If He Never Existed, And Now Since She Is Actinq As if She Is A Zombie Then Her Dad Wanted Her To Move Out Of Forks Back With Her Mom. She Doesn't Want To Leave Because She Is Scared She Really Will Forqet That He Existed If She Leaves Out Of Forks.

I Think That If He Was To Stay Then Edward And Bella Would Have Probably Been Takinq Their Relationship To The First Level Because They Were In Love. But, I Also Think Edward Would Have Been Havinq More Doubts About Beinq With Bella Because Of Who He Was.
But I Am Hopinq He Will Realize How Much He Really Does Love Bella And Will Come Back And She Will Come Out Of This Phase And Be Happy Aqain.
But I Am Goinq To Keep Readinq For More.....

Friday, October 3, 2008

New Moon and Jasmine

When Bella left Edward forever it reminded me alot of when my ex-boyfriend left me even though I loved him. Edward was leaving Forks because he thought it was for the good of Bella. He didnt want to hurt her but he had to in order to save her. So he said he didnt want her but would always love her. This is just like when my boyfriend thought it would be better for us if we didnt go out anymore so that he wouldnt end up hurting me. So he said he would always love me forever but it wouldnt work.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Choice Blog

I am reading a new book called, New Moon, by Stephanie Meyer. It is the second book in the series of Twilight.
My choice for my blog was the relation between me and the story. My book is related to my life because she is dating Edward and he is a vampire so he doesnt get old but Bella will. She wants to be with Edward forever but physically they cant be. In my situation I want to be with my [now currently ex] boyfriendas long as we can be together but he claimed he was too big of a flirt so we would probably break up after a short amount of time. She loves Edward so much. I loved "him" so much. Edward loves Bella so much. I thought he loved me so much. Anyways, she wants Edward to bite her because if he bites her then the venom from his teeth will run through her blood stream and after 3 days of full pain she will become a vampire and thats what she really wants. That is how they could be together forever. For me... I wanted my ex to just do his thing and flirt and stuff but just be with me. Thats all i wanted. So basically, me and Bella both have feelings for someone but just dont know how to make it last!!!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Setting of Twilight

Everything in the book Twilight seems to be taking place in the forest, @ bella's house, & at the school that everyone goes to. Edward and the Cullens and Bella do alot of things outside.
Edward abd his family are in the present time right now but they were "created" or "born" many many thousands of years ago. Their lifestyle is known by many people in the town. People are actually scared of the Cullens & forbid them because they know what they are capable of and the dangers and risks of them and what other vampires have done in the past.

Friday, September 12, 2008

My book

My book is about a family of vampires and a girl that falls in love with one of the vampires named Edward.
The girls name is Isabella but she prefers to be called Bella instead. She just moved to a small town called Forks where everybody knows everything about anybody. She lives with her dad who is the sherriff of the town.
She is absolutely breath taken by the thought, the sight and just everything about Edward. She is a dark haired girl with a very very light complexion. She is a very imaginative person and she is always very curious about things when it comes to people and her surroundings. Until Edward came aruond she had never been in love before. In her eyes he is just perfect.
Edward is a very pale and dark haired boy. His eyes are almost almond. He is a vampire with special "gifts". He can read minds and transport very fast and he has the ability to be very strong but he cannot read Bella's mind. But most of all the most important gift in his eyes is being in love with someone like Bella.
By what i have read about Edward so far i think that he is amazing and if i had the power to i would change every guy in the world to be just like him.
The way he talks to or about Bella is just so soothing and it makes you just wish that you could be her. He is just very romantic and his words are so beautiful.