Friday, October 3, 2008

New Moon and Jasmine

When Bella left Edward forever it reminded me alot of when my ex-boyfriend left me even though I loved him. Edward was leaving Forks because he thought it was for the good of Bella. He didnt want to hurt her but he had to in order to save her. So he said he didnt want her but would always love her. This is just like when my boyfriend thought it would be better for us if we didnt go out anymore so that he wouldnt end up hurting me. So he said he would always love me forever but it wouldnt work.


Mr.Treadway said...

so do u want ur ex to bight u on the neck an be with him forever jkjk sounds lik you can relate alot to the books u read

misz.jaszy said...

No I Dont Want My Ex To Bite Me...I just wanted him to be with know??
Its the same For Bella...For a while I didnt Know What To Do And Then I Read More In My Book And Realized That Me And Bella Had Alot More In Common Than I Thought Cuz We Were Both In The Same Situation.