Friday, September 19, 2008

Setting of Twilight

Everything in the book Twilight seems to be taking place in the forest, @ bella's house, & at the school that everyone goes to. Edward and the Cullens and Bella do alot of things outside.
Edward abd his family are in the present time right now but they were "created" or "born" many many thousands of years ago. Their lifestyle is known by many people in the town. People are actually scared of the Cullens & forbid them because they know what they are capable of and the dangers and risks of them and what other vampires have done in the past.


Mr.Treadway said...

aight even tho u write to much i read it this tim so ur book sounds really good

J. Pingrey said...

I am curious about the forest. What do they do in the forest? Also, How does Forks & the town in Italy play a role (or do they?)? Why do you think the setting is important to Bella & Cullen?

misz.jaszy said...

The Forest is where Bella and Edward always take their walks and where he usually takes her riding on his back(since he can move so fast). But Forks and the town in Italy play a role because Forks is where they live and people know all about the Cullens in some areas of the town and Italy plays a role because there is a certain part of Italy where people like the Cullens(vampires) live. The setting is very important to Bella and Edward because they are together and wherever one or the other goes then thats where they want to go. Also the setting is very important because Edward cant be in sunlight too Bella wants to be wherever Edward is so the setting for her really matters to her.